Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

Hi Susan! I'm a fan and I live right outside of New Orleans, I grew up in New Orleans. Everything will be fine by tomorrow, as it's a category 1 or 2 and will bring mostly rain and some flooding. I'm sorry about your timing but it could be much worse. Be sure to go to The Joint in the ninth ward for barbecue. There is a nice view of the city at the Ponchartrain's TIn Roof bar, and Rosie's at the HIggins Hotel, these especially at night. Susan, I have loved your writing for so long! I hope you enjoy New Orleans, and that you go hear some music and have some beignets. Love you! Kathleen

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Hi Kathleen! Thanks for the recommendations! And for the reassurance. I’m sure it’ll be fine. It’s just hard to be a visitor when there’s a disturbance afoot. But I am now tucked into a hotel with a generator and a restaurant that’s open at least for a while, so I’m all set!

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Sep 11·edited Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean and her son there, yes, folks: two Orleans in New Orleans!

(Yeah, I know he's probably got a different surname... BUT THE JOKE ONLY WORKS THIS WAY. 🤣)

Anyway, New Orleans is one of our favorite cities in the country. If the weather's good, and your lodging is in a decent district, you really can't go wrong just hanging out there (even with a booted lower extremity). Praying you get to enjoy it... but also hopeful!

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Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

Stay cozy and safe as you can! Carpet picnics with your son?! Also rewatched all the Sopranos this summer with my almost 18 yo son and the series remains magnificent.

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Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

Hopefully this will not be a big event. NOLA does fine with Category 1 and 2 storms-the overriding concerns for those are isolated street flooding.

As a Tulane grad twice, hope your son is enjoying his stay. It’s great to know that he already has his restaurant: I hope he has Brigstens, Petite Grocery, Turkey and the Wolf. All near Magazine St one of the country’s coolest streets.

Good luck. Everyone should, at least once in their life, ride thru a hurricane.

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Sep 13Liked by Susan Orlean

Also, thank you for the tip on the American Writers Museum. My sister and I love Chicago, and am sure we will be back. We will have to put this on our list. Congratulations on your award!

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You’ll love it! And thank you for your 👍 on the award!

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Sep 12Liked by Susan Orlean

Hope (and expect) you're riding out the storm OK. Glad you switched to the hotel with a generator as the heavy rain seems to have produced widespread power outages (the usual in NOLA with such things.)

My late father's family is from New Orleans, go back to the 18th century -- it's the only place on earth where there are a lot of Arnoults, and all of them are relations, albeit some quite distant. My dad did his BA and MA at Tulane and his younger sister Marie Louise (still going at 94) attended Sophie Newcomb, which was to Tulane like Radcliffe to Harvard.

And I'm currently reading a book that might interest you: Red - A History of the Redhead by Jacky Colliss Harvey. Fascinating stuff, from the biological aspects through all the cultural ones over the centuries and all over the world, since it seems red hair is not by any means limited to those of European descent. (Had no idea there were even red-haired Neanderthals, although that seems to have come from a different genetic mutation than modern humans (and yes, we are mutants LOL!))

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Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

I want to see that list!

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It’s supposed to move through quickly so hang in there. Hope the rest of your stay here is enjoyable!

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Ms. Orleon --- Have always *loved your writing; happy to find you on Substack. 1. Hope you got through tornado ok;. 2. Thx for info on Writers' Museum. Chicago seems appropriate location since University of Chi. often cited as best school to study journalism.

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Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

Be safe!!! xoxox

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Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

And huge congrats on your award!

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Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

Gosh, what timing! Hope the generator holds up and at least one of your son's restaurants comes through

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Sep 11Liked by Susan Orlean

You will be okay!!! Look around, Nawlings has been there forever. It is below sea level. And it has levies to protect the city. Go down the River Road, down past Des Allemands, toward Raceland , Chackbay, Thibadeaux, Houma! The best people in the world are there. Fresh seafood, right out of the gulf. Go on down to Grand Isle. You aren’t that far from where Tabasco peppers are grown…Avery Island. Then, make yourself happy and go on up to Baton Rouge. Of course, just wait on the “ passing showers” and be on your way to explore. Oh yes, get someone to take you on a Perot boat ride through the Bayou’s and watch for the alligators. Have fun, after the passing showers, the sun will shine again! CAT II is ok…

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Sheri Finks « Five Days » has been in my Most Revered Tomes bookcase ever since I read it for the first time. She nailed it , should be required reading for every American.

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I hope you fared well during the storm, Susan! We have gotten SO. MUCH. RAIN. just from the outer bands here in FL.

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Loved reading this piece for many reasons, as well as all the informative replies… Chicago is such a cool city- and the award you received-terrific! The museum is now in my list to see…Watching the David Chase doc tonight. Glad you are getting about, and enjoyed being in New Orleans with your special guy!

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