Thank you for writing. Have been thinking of you today and wondering what things looked like from where you are. Take good care.

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That’s a relief. I was afraid to ask; and since I’m not in a position to assist, I thought it served no useful purpose to inquire.

As our whole village is made of wood, and experiences high winds from time to time, fire risk is taken extremely seriously. The village is “walked” during such times, and residents scrupulously abide by the rules.

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It is absolutely horrific. My friend lost her home on the first night and even though we are down in Oceanside I have still felt like it is happening to us. Take care.

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I am so, so sorry that you have to go through this. Please take care and stay safe. You cannot be replaced.

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You’re so brave and the story was so real. It is a terrible thing that occurred. Sending prayers to you and your family. 🌻💜

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Keep writing to us. Our hearts are with you. I’m so sad for you, for everyone losing so much

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I’m so sorry

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Nothing like living on the edge, not knowing from one minute to the next, what your next move will be. I'm glad you and your family are safe.

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How terrifying, Susan. Thinking of you.

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Just breathe seems inappropriate in this moment. Deep breathing for you. Take care Susan.

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what a nightmare. So happy to read that you and your loved ones are safe.

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The news is unbelievably devastating. Thank you for sharing.

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My goodness I am so sorry. I hope you can rest today.

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hoping you are safe susie, and that your beloved home is untouched. xx

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Glad you're OK. ♥

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Glad you are safe!

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