Amen, sister! No more whales and dolphins in captivity!

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There is no reason to keep whales and dolphins in captivity. It is cruel and does not benefit their species. I am generally opposed to keeping animals, especially vertebrates, in zoos, except with a realistic breeding and restoration program in place. I am especially interested in and concerned about the three species of orangutan, and have been among them in the wild. Some zoos claim to be restoring orangutans to the wild, but in situ conservation is proven and successful.

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Jun 22Liked by Susan Orlean

Totally agree re: whales and dolphins. It's cruel to try and keep these animals in captivity. And I love your book list. Life After Life is one of the best books, ever. Why has Kate Atkinson never been nominated for Booker Prize? I would add the The Bee Sting by Paul Murray. Man- oh- man, it's an extraordinary book.

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I don’t understand why she hasn’t won a Booker. She certainly deserved it for Life After Life and A God in Ruins.

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It’s disturbing to hear that these creatures are in captivity. Same with the zoos and animals trained in those horrible SeaWorld type places.

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Jun 22Liked by Susan Orlean

Thanks for the book recommendations. You’re the best.

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Jun 22Liked by Susan Orlean

Agree totally about not keeping whales and dolphins in captivity. And so much more exciting to view them from a boat in their true element, than in an aquarium or SeaWorld carny show. We got to swim with dolphins in Roatan; the animals are in their natural environment, a lagoon, and are free to come and go between there and the open sea as they desire. But they seem to actually like interacting with people, at least in a controlled environment, by which I mean the humans are controlled -- only a few at a time, who must let the dolphins take the lead.

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Jun 22Liked by Susan Orlean

Humans! We sure know how to screw things up! But also know how to right the world. Thanks for the book list! Dutch Baby and 🐾photobomber FTW 😍

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Jun 22Liked by Susan Orlean

Imagine being used to swimming thousands of miles across the world then being confined to what, a 50 foot tank? Beyond cruel and unnecessary.

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Miami Dade County officials ordered Miami Seaquarium to be closed down and vacate the premises. According to the Dolphin Project at least 120 dolphins and whales have died in captivity. Too sad.

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Jun 21Liked by Susan Orlean

I share your strong sentiments … so wrong and utterly disturbing!

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